Wild Greens


Wild Greens: The Ultimate Superfood for Optimal Health: Unleash Nature’s Power

This lost survival food knowledge is so well-organized that even those without any prior cooking or stockpiling experience can take advantage of it. Everything is explained in a clear, step-by-step manner, using colored pictures and easy-to-follow instructions.

With over 126 forgotten survival foods and storage hacks, “The Lost Superfoods” is a vital book to include in your survival stockpile. It provides the exact nutritional values for each food you add, so you always know precisely how many macronutrients, such as fat, carbs, and protein, your body is getting and how many more you still need.

The goal of “The Lost Superfoods” is to have as many American households as possible prepared with long-lasting superfoods to survive emergencies like hurricanes, pandemics, or a total grid collapse, with enough supplies to last 3 years, 6 years, or even a year or more.

Today you can get a copy of The Lost Superfoods plus the two bonuses for a one-time payment of just $37.  

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